energy n. 1.干劲,活力。 2.(语言、行为等的)生动。 3.〔pl.〕 (个人的)精力;能力。 4.【物理学】能,能量。 What energy you have! 你真有精力呀! be full of energy 精力旺盛。 act [speak] with energy 生气勃勃地干[说]。 conservation of energy 能量守恒,能量不灭。 kinetic [motive] energy 动能。 potential [latent] energy 势能。 apply [devote, direct] one's energies to 致力于。 brace one's energies 鼓起干劲,振作精神。
The sa9904b , produced by sames company , is a three phase bi - directional energy / power chip and completes the measurement of rms voltage , rms current , powe , energy , power factor and frequency as the kernel of detecting unit 本系统采用sames公司的三相双向电能功率芯片sa9904b作为测量单元的核心来完成电压、电流、功率、电能、功率因数和频率的测量。
With the serious problem of harmonics pollution to the power system , as well as the need of high performance of ac drive application , three - phase pwm rectifiers have been as active research topic in power electronics recently , due to the virtues , such as sinusoidal input currents , unity power factor , steady output voltage , good dynamics and bin - directional energy flow 随着电网谐波污染问题日益严重和人们对高性能电力传动技术的需要, pwm整流技术引起人们越来越多的注意。三相pwm整流器可以做到输入电流正弦、单位功率因数、直流电压输出稳定,具有良好的动态性能并可实现能量的双向流动。因此, pwm整流器成为当前电力电子领域研究的热点课题之一。
As the key role of vehicle revolution , the electrical motorcycle drive system has many shortcomings such as low energy efficiency , short running distance within once charge , etc . i n this paper , based on studying the traditional bi - directional energy converters of dc drives , a novel energy saved electrical motorcycle ac drive is presented 环境保护和能源问题是二十一世纪“绿色革命”的两大主题,电动车作为汽车“绿色革命”的主角,存在着能量使用率低、一次充电行驶里程短等问题。本文通过研究直流调速系统双向功率变换电路,提出一种zczvsboost双向dc dc变换器与vvvf变频调速器相结合,驱动鼠笼型异步电机的节能型电动车交流驱动系统。